
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Oh The Randomness

YEAH haven't made a post in forever, so here it is!
The random awesome stuff I've found on the internets, here for your enjoyment~

American Accent
Charlieissocoollike, a brit, attempting an "American accent" LOL
Charlie's videos are just hilarious. You must watch moar here:
I find it amusing that foreigner's "American" accents usually sound like they're southern or from New York...

How To Talk To Your Kids
ahahahaha co cute!

Surprise Kitten
You cannot watch this without smiling~! Almost makes me want a kitteh :)

Epic Rap Battles of History
Oh my god. These are just too freaking funny.
Warning: High schoolers and up only, wouldn't recommend showing these to little siblings. Quite a lot of cussing.
Sorry about that. I'd prefer a bleeped version but these are so hilarious, I had to share XD

Honey Badger Don't Care
Possibly one of my favorite internet memes.
So annoying. So funny XD
Mild cussing. Not much, though.

That's all for now, folks!
Up next: Reasons to LOVE Missouri! C:
Peace, love, squirrel muffins

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Yeah, this is a CLEAN edit, but, it's still... very mildly inappropriate. Watch it first before showing it to any little siblings.
It's cause it's Kellen that got me into this song. And if you can imagine, he doesn't care about inappropriate stuff.


(Now you know why I start singing this every time somebody says "I'm awesome")

Peace, love, awesome squirrel muffins

Monday, October 10, 2011


You are Rocky

"Although rather, how shall we put it, insane, you nevertheless have a method - although seldom a consistent one - to your madness. Whatever happens, you have experience on your side. Some of your actions are drastic, but you are smart and very, very tricky."

LOL took this test:

If you people followed my advice last time and read the Lackadaisy comic, you'd know what I was talking about :)
And if you didn't, here's the whole comic (so far) here:
Somehow, I'm not surprised I got the insane Rocky XD Although I don't think Zib was an option on the test, which I think I might have gotten. When I'm calm, anyways XD

Um so yeah. Sorry for crap blog post. Right now I have zip attention span to sit down and write something.
Coming up next: Places you absolutely need to go/things you need to do!

Peace, love, squirrel muffins


Saturday, October 1, 2011


("SATW" Scandanavia And The World Comic xD Norway wooo!)

Soooo I typed out an awesome, long, really funny post and then my retarded computer shut itself down D:
And I'm too mad to write it up again xD
So you guys will have to entertain yourselves:


This site is guaranteed to cheer you up, it's flipping hilarious:
Go to

(yes, it has cats in it. Don't let this deter you, even if you don't like cats or comics)
Extremely entertaining, witty, hilarious, I can't ever stop reading this:
Go to

THIS COMIC IS AWESOME. I must warn you that sometimes mildly inappropriate things are in it but its flipping hilarious! GO NORWAY!
Go to

EDIT: found this website 2 days ago: Military humor, but still flipping hilarious. Also a couple inappropriate things on Skippy's List of Things He Cannot Do, but nothing you big bad high schoolers can't handle (Hey Bryce, on the list: he cannot have flashbacks to wars he was not in LOL):

Peace, love, squirrel muffins

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Home of the BRAVE

Hey guys. Haven't posted in forever, so here you goes:

Today I shall be discussing the Chief's 9/11 ceremony
Sometime later this week I'll be making a funny post about genuinely creepy wax sculptures. Oh, and I might throw in some random bits of stuff in there too (surprised?) xD

So for today imma start with some rather srs stuff, but have no fear, there will be funny-ness later on.

It's a common occurrence around here.
At baseball games, football games, all kinds of events, where our beautiful anthem is sang. Everybody stands at attention, often looking at our flag. Hands on hearts. Silent, or singing along. Hats off. My thoughts drift to Iraq and Afghanistan. To the POWs, to the MIA and KIA.
Everyone is respectful.
But every once in a while, some moron is making noise or doing something stupid.
And what do we do?
Sometimes others tell them to stop. Often they will get ugly glares shot at them. I guess what I'm getting at here is: disrespect is frowned upon. Most of the population believes its wrong to act this way during our anthem, wouldn't dare acting like such an ignorant fool. It's like a spit in the face to our military, our country, who may have economic troubles, who may no longer be under a president they believe in but still- we are American.
And our anthem, of all things, should be respected.
So tell me WHY every time, when the last lines are being sung out, reaching "O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave...", a pause, then: "O’er the land of the freeeeeeeee...." and finally, the last line, the one we know so well- "and the home of the-" "CHIEFS!"
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute there!
Chiefs? What happen to "brave"? What happened to the last word? Why do I hear a deep voiced roar of guys hooting out our football team's name?
And why is this accepted?
Why is it not considered as disrespectful as replacing "O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave!" with "O! say does that Lee's Summit West banner yet wave"?
Let me take you back 2 days. The tenth anniversary of September 11th. Four A-10s took off from the Whitman, and over our house, like they always do en route to the Chief's opening day.
Dane flicked on the TV. The stadium was jam packed with a sea of red.
A massive flag, covering the whole field, rippling in the wind, held up by hundreds of people. A military officer playing a slow, beautiful, and very sad "Taps" on his bugle. David Cook- remember that local kid? (formerly Kamryn's neighbor, you know)- that went on to win American idol, sang our anthem amazingly. As he reached the final lines, I held my breath.
The Chief's own stadium was always the worst culprit. Surely they wouldn't do it on 9/11!
"Gave prooooof through the night, that our flag was still there.....
O, say does that star-spangled banner yeeeeeet wave....
O’er the land of the freeeeeeeeeee....."
David Cook smiled broadly at the camera,
"and the home.....
of the.....
Guess what? I didn't hear a SINGLE MENTION OF THE CHIEFS. All I heard was that last word ring through the stadium, the word that represents the courage of the american people, of our military, from the Revolution to the World Wars to Vietnam to today in Baghdad, a word so small but so important.
The A-10s roared overhead like eagles. The crowd whistled and clapped, then began to chant "USA! USA! USA!". I'm not touchy-feely, but it brought tears to my eyes. I was so grateful I lived to a nation where I am free.
I was so proud to be American.
And then I realized later on what a shame it all was.
Remember 9/11? Remember how America was brought together? Sure, I was young, but I remember. The unity felt so strong. The patriotism, the pride, the compassion complete strangers showed to each other, it felt so good. Millions of hearts ached for the 3000 dead. It took a tragedy to bring us together, a tragedy so heartbreaking, we still feel that united feeling every September.
When that bugle played, silence. Attention. Hands on hearts. Hats off. Respect.
When David Cook sang, thousands sang with him. Hands on hearts. Hats off. Some had tears streaming down their faces.
I feel it every year. 9/11 always feels like a strange gravity shift. Always feel myself looking at the clock, remembering what times the planes hit, thinking about the thousands whose lives changed in a single morning. The day always feels quiet and somber as our nation looks back on the grief and terror.
But why? Why do our flags go down to half-mast only on Memorial day, 9/11 and occasionally when a Kansas City soldier, policemen or firefighter is killed? (Which I'm not saying is a bad thing- it's important to honor, to not forget.)
But soldiers are killed every day, like the 30+ that went down in a plane about a month ago. In this war, and the same days in past wars for our freedom. Every single day of the year I can guarantee you an American soldier has died some time in history and more likely than we'd like to think, recently. I'm the kind of person the values honoring a death the same, no matter how much time has passed- a dead WW1 soldier should be as respected as a soldier killed yesterday.
I can't change everything. I know people would think it would be stupid to leave flags at a permanent half mast. Who would want to see American's flag never flying high, only hanging it's head?
OK, so let's take this back into context to our Star Spangled Banner dilemma.
It has been established that it is NOT okay to say "chiefs" at the end of our anthem on 9/11.
So why is okay just about the other 364 days of the year?
EVERY DAY we should think about those who have died for us.
EVERY DAY we should honor our country, no matter what our political views.
And it shouldn't take a tragedy for us to realize this.

Thank you for reading- and next time you find yourself bracing for the end of our anthem, remind those around you that a seemingly small, silly act is not small and silly. It's an insult.
That pride for one's crappy football team should never eclipse pride of one's nation, especially one like ours, whom so much blood has been shed to keep safe.

O! say can you see by the dawn’s early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O! say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,
O’er the land of the free and the home of the BRAVE!



Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Toora Loora Too Loo Rye Aye

Your weekly dose of awesome music!
I won't be posting for some time, you little buggers
(going to be gone for a week starting the fourth)
So unlike my yammering, which I doubt any of you actually enjoy re-reading, you now how 9 awesome songs to play and replay at your leisure while I'm gone
(and also because I'm a lazy @#$% that doesn't feel like writing)
You're welcome....
barmy little muppets.....

Let's start with a classic :D

99 Red Balloons :) A good summer song

NORWEGIAN RECYCLING! These guys are freaking amazing at mixing songs!!!!!

Atomic Kitten time! "The Tide is High"- yes, you know this song- THIS WILL GET STUCK IN YOUR HEAD!

One of the #1 songs that make me think of summers. I swear, water parks and pools always play this song!

Another song about a lot of walking! This post needed a bit of Irish flair
"500 Miles" The Proclaimers

lol it takes a lot for me to adore a peppy pop song like this but I can't help it!
la, la, la, la, la, laaaaaaaaa

"Rhythm of Love" another great one that will get stuck in your head!
Plain White T's <3

And last, "She Will Be Loved", can't go wrong with Maroon 5

Peace, love, squirrel muffins

Friday, July 22, 2011

Let's squish our fruit together

OK, so July 23rd, somebody has planned a "freeze frame" of Price Chopper!
What's a freeze frame?

Say you're attending here!

Meanwhile, check out some of the other crazy stuff Improv Everywhere does!

These people are so ridiculous! And AWESOME!
I'm thinking I should plan something like this!
Like, do the electric slide on the plaza. Or the thriller at Crown Center.

Peace, love, squirrel muffins

Monday, July 18, 2011


Well today is just sucky-suck-suck.
I don't mean the actual day itself. In fact, despite feeling weirdly sick, today I made brownies and nachos (not together) with Miki so that didn't suck. But the day itself, July 18th, 2011, sucks eggs.
The suckyness of it's day, in fact, is thanks to a tidbit of information my mom and Miki just had to share with me.
Today marks the day that we only have 1 month of summer left.
Time really has flown by so fast and slow at the same time. In school, time seems to drag. But it's funny how at the same time, the years go by like, bam. Seems like yesterday I was sitting in Mr. Hunter's Algebra class, 7th grade. Seems like yesterday I was in Mr. Walker's social studies, 8th grade. Seems like yesterday I was in Ms. Denker's social studies class, Freshman year.
Crazy to think we only got 3 more years left of life as we know it, then all my friends will move away and go to college or jobs and we'll be adults, you know, out there in the world. Not to be cheesy.
Odd how I'm completely relieved Freshman year is in my past now, yet sad too. Oh well. This time, we won't be the little kids on the campus! Nhehehe to all my Freshmeat friends, can't wait to see you! >:D
Well, I love summer. I love sleeping in and doing whatever I want. I love having no stress. I love having a free schedule. So you people wanting to back to school- you're nuts!!!!
Wish I could reverse. Summer's going by WAY too fast!
Meanwhile, songs that make me happy/think of Summer/drown out Miki's voice in my head telling me I have only 1 month left :)

Peace, love, squirrel muffins

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oh Voldy, Voldy, Voldy...

The sorting hat says that I belong in Gryffindor!

Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those with brave deeds to their name."

Students of Gryffindor are typically brave, daring, and chivalrous.
Famous members include Harry, Ron, Hermione, Albus Dumbledore (head of Hogwarts), and Minerva McGonagall (head of Gryffindor).

Ah, yes, I've been getting in the Harry Potter mood in anticipation of part 2 of the Deathly Hallows coming out :)
Kylie, Samm and I will be going to the midnight premier. Can't wait!
Gryffindor's always been my favorite. But then again, most people are biased towards Gryffindor because the 3 main characters are in that house XD
The test above is 122 questions! It took a while but I loved my results:

100% Gryffindor- the house I belong in.
77% Hufflepuff
61% Slytherin
58% Ravenclaw

For you HP non-literates, in Hogwarts there are four "houses", kinda like SLMS's teams. When you first go there this talking hat is put on your head, and it tells you (it can read your mind and stuff) what house you should be in due to your personality and traits.
Gryffindor's supposed to be all brave but kind of naive, Hufflepuff's are the awesome partiers, a sort of mix of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw traits, Slytherin's are cunning and ambitious (and usually snobby), Ravenclaws are the smart ones.

You guys should take it too! XD Even if you aren't a big HP fan
Here's the test:
Since most of you guys aren't on blogger (you should be!) lol you can email me what you got.

Here's my own version of my "sorting hat" (what I think you guys would be in. If you're not on here, ask and I'll add you):

Kylie- Ravenclaw 100%

Bryce- Gryffindor 100%

Gaby- Hufflepuff 50%, Ravenclaw 50%
(This just in, Gaby actually took the test, this is what she got:
88% Hufflepuff, 83% Ravenclaw, 65% Gryffindor, 54% Slytherin LOL)

Miki- Gryffindor 85%, Hufflepuff 15%

Amanda- Ravenclaw 100%

Jenny- Ravenclaw 100%

Hollie- Hufflepuff 70%, Ravenclaw 30%

Kellen- Slytherin 100% lol

Dane- Gryffindor 100%

Meanwhile, if anybody wants to come with, me text me or something!!
We will be having lotso HP fun!

Peace, love, squirrel muffins


Saturday, July 2, 2011

We're not in Kansas anymore

Topics for today:
- "Twister"
- Food ownership
- Driving
- Cool animals

Today is Saturday, and I just woke up at 6:43 P.M. cause I stayed up almost all night long last night and watched "Twister", and I still don't know exactly why. Every time the shot showed a tornado is made me cringe a little, naturally, being a Midwesterner, and the tornado graphics were awesome except for the cheesy lightning and thunder sound effects. Yet Bill Harding And Jo, the main characters, made me cringe more. The other storm chaser team members, "Dusty", "Rabbit", Laurence, Joey, Alan, "Beltzer", Haynes and "Preacher" and Jo's mom were awesome, fun characters. Couldn't help marveling (even if it was fake) how they just drove straight towards tornadoes. But the movie would have been a lot cooler if Jo would shut her whiny trap and stop being completely retarded. The entire movie she's still completely angsty about watching her father get killed by a twister when she was like 4. And She looks about 35. Also the fact that Jo and Bill seem invisible, miraculously surviving being directly hit by a tornado like 10 times throughout the movie, is extremely annoying.
And don't even get me started on how much I absolutely hate it when Hollywood tries to sound smart. For example, I cannot watch any movies about space/astronauts/NASA half of the time without getting completely ticked because of the scientific gibberish and stuff they spout isn't even right. This was one of those movies. Look, Jo. An F5 tornado is almost IMPOSSIBLE in a remote country area like you lived in, because one of the main factors in figuring tornadoes on the Fujita Scale is cost of damage to man made structures, as well as loss of life. So it doesn't matter if that tornado's winds were 600 miles per hour, if it was a remote enough area to only hit your house and some telephone poles, the highest it would likely to be ranked would be F2. Such was the case of the Seymour, Texas, tornado of April 10, 1979.
Oh, I could go on and on about this movie, cause trust me, living in Missouri has made me a mini-expert on these things. Such as: the storm chaser would be listing to the radio and it would say something like "an F3 tornado has touched down." F.Y.I., measurements on the Fujita scale are made AFTER the tornado has passed, so a news station wouldn't be able to instantly tell you what it was. Do some fricking research before you go and make a movie about stuff, Hollywood.

So, I guess it's one of those "classics" that most people "have to" watch. But in my opinion: don't waste your time. The only way this movie could be entertaining is if you get a bunch of your best sarcastic, wise cracking friends together- this movie is so easy to ridicule.

(Excuse cuss word above. I found this hilarious)

There are certain unspoken rules of my household.
If it's stashed in the back of the cabinet, in their room, or in a container marked "MINE" in the fridge, it's somebody's that is likely trying to hide it from everyone else. Hence: Don't touch unless you want to lose a finger or two.
If it's health food crap, it's my parent's. Any kind of energy bar is my dad's. Pillow case full of Halloween candy is mine. Leftover spaghetti is a free for all.
But when somebody makes their own friggin macaroni or a batch of cookies, chances are, you should ASK before eating.
Which is why I just finished off a rather tasty Crunchwrap Supreme from Taco Bell.
I think Dane has learned his lesson to never touch my macaroni :) (my mom made him go to Taco Bell and buy me dinner cause he ate mine)

I practiced driving today for the first time since... like... January.
It was okay, despite my mom screeching in my ear every three seconds, and my left foot's tendency to want to push the brake.
Hey, at least I was able to end it by parking perfectly :)
My mom made me make a deal that in order to get a pilot's license, I had to get a driver's license first. So I am trying. Even though I hate it XD

Red Panda (above) and Maned Wolf(below)

Dane's friend Brian says Red Pandas look retarded. I beg to differ.
Isn't that thing freaking adorable? :) It reminds me of Cokes :)

Anyways, see that "fox on stilts"? That's a Maned Wolf. Their name is kind of stupid, though. Maned Wolves aren't wolves or foxes or hyenas. They're canine, but they have their very own genus. There's nothing else quite like them.
They have long elegant legs, huge ears and a fluffy scruff. They're one of my very favorite canines. In Dane's words: "WHOAH! Dude! What the heck is that?!" (really, look em up. Amazing photos. I'm considering making Max a Maned Wolf, since that's more accurate that wolf-fox XD)

Other cool canines:

The Dhole, a rare wild dog that can cluck like a chicken and form packs of up to 40 members:

The Australian Dingo, one of my favorite animals (the photo below was the inspiration for Max), was believed to have originally been domestic dogs brought by the first settlers who escaped and evolved, now thousands live wild:

The adorable Bat-Eared Fox:

The hilariously ugly Tibetan Sand Fox

And check out this freakishly JJ like fox:

Well I hope you had fun learning about the wonderful world of canines :)
Meanwhile, if you didn't, you can entertain yourself by watching this old man break it down:

Peace, Love, Squirrel Muffins


Friday, July 1, 2011

Gotta get down on Friday

Now there's TWO evils put together- Rebecca Black and McDonalds! GASP!
And haha, I totally just made the Friday song start playing in your head, didn't I? BWAHAHAHA I FEEL ULTIMATE

Ah, yes, I know I'm a mainstream Rebecca Black and J Beibs hater. But I'm also an un-mainstream trashy-pop-that-is-destroying-music hater, so it makes up for that. I don't like Black cause she represents to me all the trashy, auto-tuned, talentless idiots who have poisoned music. Seriously- in the days of rock-n-roll, your favorite star ALWAYS sounded the same live as they did on the vinyl. That because back then you had to work to get famous, you had to have musical talent as well as songs that actually meant something.
Today all you have to have is people to write the same stupid songs about "goin to the club", throw in some techo-ish beat and a crapload of auto-tuned effects, sing awful but fix it up in auto-tune, then smile and look pretty for the cameras.
Which is why me and only about 2% of the un-brainwashed teenage population listen to REAL music. *pumps fist in air*

So. Now that I'm done with my music rant...

Today is Friday! I'm going to TWO parties tonight because I'm so freaking popular. Actually, it's because when I was born the planets un-aligned or the space-time continuum was destroyed or something, cursing me with have bad luck for the rest of my life. Thus causing the only two parties I've had on my radar for some time to be on the same night.
But I'm still excited.

(Above: The catastrophic event that occurred when I was born. Ooohhh shiny....)

Oi. But I am a little tired, even though I slept in (I'm so freakin lazy).
Wish I could have not gotten out of bed, like this puppy:

This is a boring one.
I don't have much else to write, other than I have to vacuum, rake leaves, and pack. Woop-de-do.

Peace, Love, Squirrel Muffins


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Whipped Cream, Canadian Nazis, Hounds, and Evil

Today is Thursday. I love Thursdays. They're like almost-Fridays, and I love Fridays. Not that the fact that it is Thursday right now really matters, since it's summer so ALL days are Fridays. ANYWAYSSSS
So, this is my first entry. I guess this is a blog so I will write what I'm thinking of. Here it goes.
WARNING: I mean that I am really writing whatever pops into my head right now. Sane people might want to stay away.

My four topics today:
The Amazingness of Whipped Cream
Canadian Nazis- who knew?
The stupid hound and mutt that live at my house
And evilness that is taking over the world (No, not Dr. Wolff or Voldemort)

I ate whipped cream today right out of the can. Whipped cream tastes so good!
I really don't understand people who don't like whipped cream.
It's like, "What?
Are you lactose intolerant or are you not from this planet?
Cause this stuff is amazing and I can't believe how you wouldn't join me in the worship of this creamy, fluffy goodness.
You must have some kind of disease in your brain.
Maybe that's why you twitch.
I hope you die.
Oh well, more for me."

I was looking up "ferrets" on Google Images, and I finally spotted an especially cute one and clicked on it. And guess what site it landed me on? The Nationalist-Socialist Party of Canada.
I'm like okay, whatever. Then I noticed that to the left of the picture of the pretty sunset is... a swastika?!
So even though Mrs. Denker, my now former history teacher, told us that the government tracks people who go on KKK and Nazi sites and the FBI might show up at your door and arrest you or something, my curiosity-killed-the-cat-curiosity made me look. I'm like, come on, these guys can't be serious. World War 2 is over (But Bryce, the Spanish-American War IS NOT!)!
But all over the site is ridiculous propaganda with gushing, over the top bullcrap about "their beloved Fuhrer".
I'm like, O RLLY CANADA? Way to blow your reputation. You're supposed to be the harmless, quite one that offers maple syrup and hockey to the world and not much else. Being obnoxious idiots is our job here in America. So bugger off, or we might have to cap this Nazi nonsense a second time (and you too, Montana. I heard moar crap about crazed neo-nazi groups springing up there...yeesh).
And what I want to know is: what does a cute ferret have to do with any of this?
(To be outraged, go here *note, not responsible for any FBI arresting or parents-freaking-out-over-search-history haha: )

We took Rufus-Doofus and JJ the Derpster to get their nails cut today. You can really tell their personality differences.
Rufus was like "YAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!" the entire time, like those super-hyper-active-makes-you-want-to-barf-they're-so-girly anime characters. Ruf was sucking in the air like a vacuum and every time he saw a new person or dog, he would get so, SO happy.
Meanwhile, JJ was wide eyes and panting, digging her claws into and pressing against me in terror, shedding so much I could have made a whole nother JJ.
That's all I have to say bout that.

I've noticed a recent surge on McDonalds and Walmart's advertising (the evil of all evilness).
First the free burgers to good students. Then all the annoying "save money. live better" commercial sprees.
Burn that fedora! Dump that potato salad!
Oh... wait.... CRAP
THESE SCREWDRIVERS ARE ONLY $2.00! $2.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well this wraps it up for post number one.
Don't excpect these to always be this long.
I was just bored today.

Peace, Love, Squirrel Muffins
