
Friday, July 1, 2011

Gotta get down on Friday

Now there's TWO evils put together- Rebecca Black and McDonalds! GASP!
And haha, I totally just made the Friday song start playing in your head, didn't I? BWAHAHAHA I FEEL ULTIMATE

Ah, yes, I know I'm a mainstream Rebecca Black and J Beibs hater. But I'm also an un-mainstream trashy-pop-that-is-destroying-music hater, so it makes up for that. I don't like Black cause she represents to me all the trashy, auto-tuned, talentless idiots who have poisoned music. Seriously- in the days of rock-n-roll, your favorite star ALWAYS sounded the same live as they did on the vinyl. That because back then you had to work to get famous, you had to have musical talent as well as songs that actually meant something.
Today all you have to have is people to write the same stupid songs about "goin to the club", throw in some techo-ish beat and a crapload of auto-tuned effects, sing awful but fix it up in auto-tune, then smile and look pretty for the cameras.
Which is why me and only about 2% of the un-brainwashed teenage population listen to REAL music. *pumps fist in air*

So. Now that I'm done with my music rant...

Today is Friday! I'm going to TWO parties tonight because I'm so freaking popular. Actually, it's because when I was born the planets un-aligned or the space-time continuum was destroyed or something, cursing me with have bad luck for the rest of my life. Thus causing the only two parties I've had on my radar for some time to be on the same night.
But I'm still excited.

(Above: The catastrophic event that occurred when I was born. Ooohhh shiny....)

Oi. But I am a little tired, even though I slept in (I'm so freakin lazy).
Wish I could have not gotten out of bed, like this puppy:

This is a boring one.
I don't have much else to write, other than I have to vacuum, rake leaves, and pack. Woop-de-do.

Peace, Love, Squirrel Muffins


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