
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Oh Voldy, Voldy, Voldy...

The sorting hat says that I belong in Gryffindor!

Said Gryffindor, "We'll teach all those with brave deeds to their name."

Students of Gryffindor are typically brave, daring, and chivalrous.
Famous members include Harry, Ron, Hermione, Albus Dumbledore (head of Hogwarts), and Minerva McGonagall (head of Gryffindor).

Ah, yes, I've been getting in the Harry Potter mood in anticipation of part 2 of the Deathly Hallows coming out :)
Kylie, Samm and I will be going to the midnight premier. Can't wait!
Gryffindor's always been my favorite. But then again, most people are biased towards Gryffindor because the 3 main characters are in that house XD
The test above is 122 questions! It took a while but I loved my results:

100% Gryffindor- the house I belong in.
77% Hufflepuff
61% Slytherin
58% Ravenclaw

For you HP non-literates, in Hogwarts there are four "houses", kinda like SLMS's teams. When you first go there this talking hat is put on your head, and it tells you (it can read your mind and stuff) what house you should be in due to your personality and traits.
Gryffindor's supposed to be all brave but kind of naive, Hufflepuff's are the awesome partiers, a sort of mix of Gryffindor and Ravenclaw traits, Slytherin's are cunning and ambitious (and usually snobby), Ravenclaws are the smart ones.

You guys should take it too! XD Even if you aren't a big HP fan
Here's the test:
Since most of you guys aren't on blogger (you should be!) lol you can email me what you got.

Here's my own version of my "sorting hat" (what I think you guys would be in. If you're not on here, ask and I'll add you):

Kylie- Ravenclaw 100%

Bryce- Gryffindor 100%

Gaby- Hufflepuff 50%, Ravenclaw 50%
(This just in, Gaby actually took the test, this is what she got:
88% Hufflepuff, 83% Ravenclaw, 65% Gryffindor, 54% Slytherin LOL)

Miki- Gryffindor 85%, Hufflepuff 15%

Amanda- Ravenclaw 100%

Jenny- Ravenclaw 100%

Hollie- Hufflepuff 70%, Ravenclaw 30%

Kellen- Slytherin 100% lol

Dane- Gryffindor 100%

Meanwhile, if anybody wants to come with, me text me or something!!
We will be having lotso HP fun!

Peace, love, squirrel muffins


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